Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wow we needed that Weekend

Little did we know months ago when we got a phone call from some very close friends to see if we wanted go to U2 concert with them, that the weekend would be so important to all of us, especially emotionally!

With all the sh*t going down with my sister getting pregnant & the fall out from that, we were so looking forward to getting away for the weekend.

It was just great timing that we were heading away the next weekend to go to the U2 concert.

Firstly the U2 concert was awesome. We were amazed at the 360 stage & the special effects. I have to admit I do prefer their older music to their newer stuff. However it was also fantastic to see over 55,000 people do the Mexican wave in the open air stadium. The only down side was I wore the wrong shoes, so my poor little feet had blisters by the end of the night…(Note to self: Throw vanity out the window next time for the sake of my little tootsies)

Also my girlfriend & I were able to fit in some retail therapy, which was so overdue, while our boys stayed home & watched the cricket, to their delight. It was just great to get away & switch off from the drama and enjoy our friends company.

We find ourselves extremely lucky to have small number of friends we can confide in. It is great when you have people in your lives that “just get it”; they are on the same level of understanding & are always there to offer support & an ear. The interesting thing is our most loyal & trustworthy friends do have kids & we are a great part of their lives, which never has been a problem with us, I think purely because of the open & supporting relationships we have.

These friends (Mr & Mrs D) we spent the weekend with are definitely on the same page as us, we have very similar values & morals so we can spend hours discussing life’s trials & tribulations. The interesting thing is Mr D is also a psychologist, so we always appreciate his opinions and he always gets us to look at things in different ways which can really open up your eyes.

After my last post about my issues with my sister Red Power Ranger from Infertilitee Blog commented “You were the bigger person and made contact. Love is blind and she does not sound 100% happy with her preg. So you are being the scapegoat. If she focuses on your stand off, the focus is off her preg in an unhealthy relationship. You have handled it really well...!!”

I was blown away by her comment because this is what Mr D made me realise over the weekend and he pretty much used the same words too. That my sister has been using me as a scapegoat to take the focus off her pregnancy so people they wouldn't focus on her unstable relationship. So a huge thank you to Mr D & Red Power Ranger because once I realised this I felt so much better about the situation. She is the one with the problem, not me.

So now we come back from our weekend refreshed, more settled and at peace within ourselves, after the drama week we had. We are now strong & ready to tackle what ever my sister wishes to serve up to us. BRING IT ON…

I've also come to realise to cherish the most important people in our lives, as they are so damn special.

Bee xxx


  1. Bee....shucks! Very touched by what you have written! Now I'm all warm and fuzzy and it took my mind off my crampy pelvis. Wish you a happy Xmas! New year, fresh start, new beginnings.. Xo

  2. No thank you. You have a wonderful Xmas & New Year... I hope your crampy pelvis doesn't affect you too much...
    Here is to a brighter 2011
